Der Defätist / The Defeatist


  of all recent mornings up to square a female ah’m nae a bam, libet mornside heights global center men chatting away earth observatory cold rod, circular phantom you call it dementia village not exactly […]

Der Defätist / The Defeatist


against the laws of physics i have been talking to my “fut” o, food to foresee plasmid the french call it war the austrians cunt while all the players say: ultimate team Melaina why champions […]

Der Defätist / The Defeatist


crackling cricket popping crease crepuscule curated can crawl congruence comes as curtain cue cued up a catalogue WRDS (Wharton Research Data Service) crystallography circumferential carpetbaggery concelebration cantankerous comedy cap cay cogwheel multi-ball phases (call it […]